Tag Archives: google

Straight from Google’s Mouth! How Google Sees Valuable Content

Google’s recent Panda update sent webmasters into a frenzy… some happy, some angered and others perplexed by the control Google has on their profits. As a result of the concern pervading throughout the industry, Google’s Amit Singhal created a blog post to address the masses as it relates to the recent Panda update. Amit encourages…

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To SEO or not to SEO, that is the Question…

Companies spend thousands of dollars trying to climb their way up the Google ladder only to find their budgets dwindling and their frustrations escalating. Ten years ago, SEO was more of a push button service with specific formulas and techniques that would ensure businesses of some increased ranking and profits. Today, with the big brands…

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How to Separate your Ecommerce Store from your Drop Shipping Competitors

No inventory, warehouses or massive overhead…as a business who utilizes drop shipping, you realize the cost and time benefits. Unfortunately, with the good comes the associated disadvantage…one being duplicate content for product descriptions. We all know Google is not very kind to content thieves, but fortunately, it has loosened its reins a bit in recent…

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