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Speed Optimization For WooCommerce

Speed Optimization For WooCommerce
$1000 USD
Speed Optimization For WooCommerce



The domain that this plugin will be installed on.

  • Description


Customers may be leaving your site due to slow page load times. A faster store is absolutely essential to increasing sales and reducing cart-abandons. Combine our top Numinix services to reduce server loads and increase the speed at which your websites are delivered to your users. That means more sales, happy customers and a lightning-fast website that can handle many users at once. If your Time to Interactive, First Contentful Paint (FCP) or Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) need improvement, then this service is for you. Do you need help to minify javascript, CSS or to leverage browser caching? We can help! This service will also help with optimizing images and reducing bad requests as well as serving scaled images and eliminating render-blocking resources. Bundle the following products and services and products for bigger savings:

  • Dev Site Setup: Set up a live copy of your current website so that a Numinix professional can perform the following services on a development site without hindering or affecting your live site. Once we've finished our work, we'll review with you prior to pushing all changes live. Regular price: $49.
  • WooCommerce Site Audit: We will carefully evaluate your site to determine what you have installed, whether they are up to date and compatible with the latest version of WooCommerce, and determine which pages should be properly cached for greater optimization and speed. Regular price: $180.
  • CSS and JS Minification: Optimize your WooCommerce store to improve page loading with CSS and JS minifcation. We will minify CSS and JS files into as few downloadable objects as possible to decrease both page size and latency between your server and the user's browser. Regular combined price and installation: $75.
  • Image Optimization: The purpose of this is to ease the management of product images and to help improve page performance by optimizing those product images. As this does not replace or modify the original images, it's perfectly safe to use on an existing store. Regular combined price and installation: $75.
  • Caching: Decrease your server load by caching blocks of HTML code and serving the cached files instead of running intense PHP scripts that generate that block of HTML. Rather than every user triggering the creation of that HTML, our disk cache will cache the HTML created from the first visitor and then use that cached content for all future visitors over a time period. Installation service includes setting up caching only on the product listings, product info, header navigation, footer navigation and sideboxes. If other pages or areas of the website can benefit from caching, we will notify you of the opportunities and provide an estimate. Regular combined price and installation: $180.
  • CSS Sprites: Reduce the number of objects downloaded on a page by creating CSS sprites out of site-wide images. By combining several images into a single image or sprite, a browser must download only one object as opposed to many individual objects. Although the page size often remains unchanged, decreasing the number of objects still decreases loading time, as their is a delay in time before each object can be downloaded by the user's browser. Regular price: $180.
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Service Policy

Our stated prices for all modules we install are based on installation into the default platform configuration. We always ensure your logo and basic color palette are in place when we install a plugin. However, any additional "custom" styling, design work, or derivitive tasks generated due to a site's non-default configuration could require additional prepaid programming hours.

This plugin is open source and requires ionCube Loader v4.4 or later to be compiled with PHP in order to install and upgrade the plugin. All orders are automatically subscribed to the billing frequency selected at the time of purchase. Recurring billing can be cancelled at any time. Once your license has expired, a new license will be required in order to continue using the plugin.

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3.2.1 Version History

Version notes

Compatibility changes for PHP 7.4

  • catalog/YOUR_ADMIN/includes/installers/feac/3_6_0.php
  • catalog/YOUR_ADMIN/includes/auto_loaders/config.numinix_plugins.php
  • docs/Fast and Easy AJAX Checkout/readme.html
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