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Numinix Disk Cache

Free!(Lifetime license)
Numinix Disk Cache

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  • Description
  • Requirements
  • Version History


Whether your website is hosted on a shared or dedicated server, reducing server load will increase the speed at which your websites are delivered to your users. That means increased conversions, happy customers and a lightning fast website that can handle more simultaneous users.

Numinix Disk Cache (NDC) decreases server load by caching blocks of HTML code and serving the cached files instead of running intense PHP scripts that are used to generate that block of HTML. Instead of every user triggering the creation of that HTML, NDC will cache the HTML created from the first visitor and then use that cached content for all future visitors over a time period (i.e. 5 minutes or as defined in the NDC configuration).

Websites can be very dynamic and have many variables that control the display of content on a page. NDC recognizes this and supports caching content in unique files depending on the URL parameters on the page (i.e. main_page=index&cPath=1_2_3) in addition to custom variables that you may have set (i.e. $_SESSION['sort_by']).  By default, the tool will automatically consider multi-currency, multi-languages, and wholesale pricing.

The download package includes the Numinix Disk Cache class, documentation and sample files for setting up caching in common template files such as the product listing and product info pages. Installation of this plugin is simple: simply upload the files. However, configuring may require intermediate to expert knowledge of HTML, PHP and Zen Cart. We recommend that non-developers purchase our installation service which includes setting up caching on the product listings, product info, header navigation, footer navigation and sideboxes. If other pages or areas of the website can benefit from caching, we will notify you of the opportunities and provide an estimate.

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  • Zen Cart
  • Zen Cart Version

    • 1.3.8a
    • 1.3.9h
    • 1.5.0
    • 1.5.1
    • 1.5.2
    • 1.5.3
    • 1.5.4
    • 1.5.5a
    • 1.5.5b
    • 1.5.5c
    • 1.5.5d
    • 1.5.5e
    • 1.5.5f
    • 1.5.6
    • 1.5.6b
    • 1.5.6a
    • 1.5.6c
    • Service Type

      • Plugins & Modules
      • Plugin Type

        • SEO

Version History

1.7.2 Jul 16, 2020
1.7.1 Jun 23, 2020
1.7.0 Jul 30, 2019
1.6.2 Nov 30, 2017

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Our stated prices for all modules we install are based on installation into the default platform configuration. We always ensure your logo and basic color palette are in place when we install a plugin. However, any additional "custom" styling, design work, or derivitive tasks generated due to a site's non-default configuration could require additional prepaid programming hours.

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