Author Archives: sal

About sal

Sal is a newcomer to Numinix. As a store owner himself, he has learned first hand what makes a website popular. He believes that search engine optimization is fundamental to the success of a website because if people cannot find your website, it doesn't matter how cool the design or features are. Sal applies this expertise in SEO to our customer's websites through our monthly service. He selects the most relevant keywords for a website and then optimizes the website internally to make those keywords and pages more prominent to the search engines. Outside of Numinix, Sal is an electrical engineer with a Bachelor of Applied Science from Simon Fraser University in Vancouver. Sal also prides himself for having been the top student in the largest high-school graduating class in Vancouver history with an average of 96%. It's no wonder Sal is a calculating and methodical individual and he applies these same skills to his business and marketing on the web. We hope you enjoy the knowledge Sal has graciously shared in his Numinix Blog and that you get to experience first hand what Sal can do to optimize your website for search engines.