You may have seen our post about Google’s recent mobile-friendly label. We explained that when you use your mobile device to search on Google, you will see a label next to the search results identifying which sites are responsive. It turns out that the label was just the start of a much bigger change: a website’s mobile-friendliness will now determine its ranking in mobile search results.
It just so happens that almost one third of all searches made on Google are done from mobile devices. No wonder experts are calling this new rating system a “Mobile-geddon.”
What will happen to my website?
If your website wasn’t responsive before April 21, 2015, it is already being demoted on mobile search results. If you have made your website responsive after that date, your site will be labeled as mobile friendly and benefit from the algorithm as soon as it is recrawled. The time it takes Google to crawl your website depends on how often you update your site. If your pages are rarely updated, it will take a longer for Google’s search engines to update the site’s information. In any case, you’ll want to make the transition to mobile as soon as you can.
If you need help transitioning your Zen Cart or other ecommerce website to mobile, we have a number of services that can help you: