Last Updated on May 29, 2019 by Numinix Developer
Advertising is a tricky game of risk vs. reward. Oftentimes you have to take a big risk if you want to reap a big benefit. The internet marketing game is no different. One of the strategies for internet marketing is to advertise on other websites using what is called a banner ad. You are probably asking yourself “Why advertise on other websites?”. There are probably many reasons, but I will give you three main ones: Low cost, increased traffic to your site, and building a brand.
The Cost is Minimal
When thinking of the cost of banner advertising, you have to compare it to other forms of advertising. Banner advertising is much cheaper than taking out a print ad or a television ad. No advertisement will guarantee you more sales, no matter what kind it is. But for the price, properly done banner ads will reap benefits. There are options where you can pay a low flat fee, or those that only charge when someone clicks through to your website. That would be like taking out a billboard ad where the company only charged you when people actually walked through your door! That would be amazing. Banner ads are truly a more cost-effective route to take in your advertising campaign.
If You Build It, They Will Come
This is not just a famous quote from a great baseball movie. If you produce a well constructed banner ad that is catchy to the eye and attractive to those who see it, you will get people clicking through to your site. Now, I am not saying your sales will skyrocket, but everyone knows that advertising is a numbers game. The more people that visit your site, the more sales you are likely to make. Banner ads can be seen by tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of people on any given day. If just two percent of ten thousand people click through to your site, that is 200 new visitors. Surely someone will buy something from you once they arrive. If your banner ad runs for a week at that rate, you are talking about over 1000 new people visiting your site. That adds up rather quickly. So if your current traffic leaves something to be desired, try a banner ad.
Getting The Word Out
You may have come up with the best invention since the wheel. If no one knows who you are, it doesn’t matter. Banner ads are a great way to get your name out there and begin to build your brand. Using the numbers from my previous paragraph, wouldn’t it be great to have 70,000 people in a week find out about your product or service? Even if they don’t need it right now, when it comes time to buy something you offer, your name will be in their heads. Here is a great example: If you go to the sporting goods store to get a new golf club, are you more likely to buy Ping, Golfer’s Edge, or Swingmaster? It’s gonna be Ping because that is the brand that you have heard of. Banner advertising could make you the Ping of whatever your niche market is, especially if your competitors aren’t doing it.
So, if you want to get your name out there, drive more traffic to your website, and not spend a king’s ransom to do it, you should consider advertising on other websites. After all, in the risky business of advertising, it will tip the scales in your favor. My next article will focus on how to choose the right websites to advertise on.