Last Updated on May 30, 2019 by Numinix Developer
It seems like every time we turn around a new social network or strategy arrives on the scene vying to steal our time and focus. How many networks should you use? Should you try the latest Facebook fan page applications? Focus more time on Twitter? These questions can overwhelm even the seasoned social media specialist.
What is the answer? The answers to these questions will depend on your target market and industry, so there really isn’t a “one size fits all” solution. However, regardless of what you try or what network you attempt to tackle, there are sound social media strategy tips that will always stay constant. In order to excel in social media, you must follow these four rules of thumb:
1. Less Selling = More Profits – This equation may seem like an oxymoron, but in social media it is a profitable strategy. It’s important to remember that social networking revolves around the word “social”. Your target audience is not on your Facebook page to see you advertise. They are there to interact and share.
You sell on social media by offering enough value that your potential customers will want to buy from you. The more you attract people to your brand by offering valuable information and interaction, the more they will think of you when it comes time to buy.
It’s perfectly fine to post links to your website and your products, but avoid doing it in excess. Make the main focus of your campaign the sharing of information that will solve the pain points of your customers.
2. Unrealistic Expectations – Don’t expect immediate growth and profits. Building a community of followers and fans takes some time. Create short term and long term goals and stick to your strategies until your goals are met.
3. Listen to your Customers – Your customers are your best critics. They are the ones to whom you are selling. Social media will allow you to monitor the buzz and conversations about your product. In fact, many large brands use social media to put out “fires” and address every comment (whether good or bad) made about their company. This strategy not only increases customer satisfaction, but also attracts new customers.
4. Act Like a Human Being – In the social world, CEOs let down their guards and professionals reveal a more personal side behind their brands. Don’t be afraid to let your guard down to your customers. Social media has taken down the invisible online barriers that exist between company and customer. Be yourself and show your audience what makes you unique. By showing others your human side, it will help them to identify with you. Once they identify with you, they can connect with you. By connecting with you, they will connect with your brand. This, in turn, increases your profits.
By implementing these four crucial strategies, you will in actuality be ahead of a majority of brands who are trying to make it in social media. Take a look at some of your competitors’ profiles on line. You will notice how they are not utilizing these strategies. Because of this, they get tired of spinning their wheels and over time they quit. Due to their unrealistic expectations, they quit before they even realize what they were doing wrong. Don’t get caught in that trap. Start slow with these four strategies and you will be on your way to social networking victory.