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Calls to Action Gain User Satisfaction

Last Updated on May 30, 2019 by Numinix Developer


Website Owners: Have you ever wondered what calls to action are?

Calls to action is a phrase often used in web usability when referring to something on your website that requires a user to “perform an action”. Anything with a hyperlink attached to it would be considered a call to action. Radio buttons, form blanks, and other items that demand user participation are also calls to action. The ultimate goal of the call to action is to sell your product or service. The “checkout” button on a website would be the perfect example of this.

Calls to action are very important, because they get website visitors involved on your website. So here are some reasons why you should incorporate this element into your website.

3 Reasons Why You Should Have Calls to Action on Your Website:

Calls to action keep visitors engaged. While you are trying to build your brand (via website), it is very important that you do not lose the attention of your visitors. Placing calls to action in strategic locations that accumulate eye traffic will make sure that these potential clients stay engaged with your sales pitch – which should start taking place on your homepage. Once the client is interested by the introduction or selling points, then you place a button that says “Take the Free Tour!” or “Get started now”. A button like this is your first indicator if you have sparked any interest in your offerings.

Calls to action give visitors more content. By having additional resource links on your website, a visitor can increase their knowledge base on a subject, and will remember how useful your website is. If your website can provide this library of resources without sending visitors to an external website, that is even better. One of your main goals should be to maximize browsing time on your site, so you can understand the visitor’s behavior. Once you have analyzed this information, you should have an insight into how to better sell your services.

Calls to action promote registration. Once a visitor begins using your website, they will most likely register. Registration should be one of your main goals, if you desire further communication down the road with clients. This can lead to future business as you expand your product offerings, and roll out new products. Calls to action such as forums, polls, and feedback blanks are common examples where website visitors can get involved with your website.

Keep in mind that the registration process should be simple and easy. Too many unnecessary registration blanks will turn off potential registrants. If your website does not offer anything in return for signing up, then a long registration form will look like a waste of time to the average website visitor.

It is very important that you engage the people that visit your website. Calls to action will achieve just this. They will keep visitors engaged, give visitors more content, and promote registration (for follow ups) on your services. Calls to action will help visitors remember your brand’s helpfulness to solve a problem in their life – and once you become a friend – you have gained the trust and respect of a future client.

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