Last Updated on May 30, 2019 by Numinix Developer
It’s 2012 and time to re-evaluate our businesses, what we accomplished in 2011 and what we want to get done in 2012.
Have you noticed that sometimes people make New Year’s resolutions so they can feel better about their failures by making un-ended promises they never intend to keep? It’s sad that only about 8% of people actually achieve their resolutions.
This year, re-frame your resolutions into goals so you can experience the results of your progress. Resolutions are made to be broken, but goals are a necessary part of life and the New Year is a perfect time to jump-start your motivation for 2012.
Whether you run an ecommerce store, blog or any other internet business model, one idea holds true: You must be dedicated. Dedication surpasses momentary obstacles, temporary setbacks, failures, mistakes and all other dynamics associated with online business.
Dedication requires goal setting. Here is a quick method to help you break down your yearly resolutions into steps you can accomplish.
1. Define three goals for your business. If you do not know where to start, think about strategies, concepts, profit, and traffic goals. Be realistic about what you want to accomplish this year. For example, if you just opened a new store, a goal of netting $1 million by 2013 is not realistic. Setting goals too high will set you up for failure. If you meet your first goal early, you can always make a new one. Set your goals to something you know you can accomplish with effort and when you finally reach it, the enthusiasm will give you more motivation to reach the next one.
2. Write these goals down and break them up into 12 actionable steps corresponding to the 12 months of the year. If 12 steps seem like too many then think broader with your goals. For example, if your goal is to start a video marketing campaign and you write down as one of your 2012 ventures “Create 3 videos”, this may be too specific or too small to break down into 12 steps. Reach higher until you can logically apply 12 actionable steps to the goal.
3. Break down each of the 12 steps into 4 steps to correspond to the weeks in a month (I think you can see where I am going here).
4. Make an intention to meet your weekly goal and then your monthly. Create a calendar to update your progress. If you feel you need some additional motivation, give your goal sheet to a trusted family member or friend and make yourself accountable to them.
5. Reward yourself each month when your goal is met.
Hopefully, by this time next year you can officially say that you fulfilled your resolutions/goals for 2012. If you break down your goals into small, actionable steps, you can move your goal from a place of wishful thinking to an actual accomplishment.
Good luck and Happy New Year!