Last Updated on Jun 18, 2013 by Jenna Scaglione
Has your site been hit by a Google update?
If you have been running your Ecommerce store for a while now, you may have witnessed the recent massive changes in the SEO industry and the internet at large.
In the past two years, Google has made significant updates to its algorithm that has shifted the way it ranks sites in its engine. As a result, businesses have experienced monumental changes to their rankings and many lost their “shirt” and even went bankrupt.
Due to these changes, the old “SEO” way of doing things has shifted as well. What does this mean? SEO brought out the “scam” in many online businesses looking to make a quick buck. Prior to the updates, companies promised automatic first page rankings, thousands of directory links, submission to the search engines and a dozen other “so-called” services and disguised them as a low-cost way to gain rankings in Google. These companies still exist, but they are slowly dissappearing as webmasters are gaining knowledge and understanding that SEO is more of a “strategy”, not a quick fix.
SEO Scams
The Ecommerce businesses that thought they could gain rankings by hiring “scammy” SEO companies found themselves out of money and nowhere in the rankings. That was the least of their problems, however. Because of the Google algorithm updates, these Ecommerce webmasters that were duped by shady outfits are now having to “undo” the damage caused by these “SEO” companies because their link profile is low quality and Google has either penalized their sites or dropped them in the rankings as a result.
The Rising Cost of SEO
Due to Google’s changes, Ecommerce store owners understand that a quick fix doesn’t work in this new SEO paradigm. SEO now encompasses the introduction of many strategies along with good old-fashioned techniques that Google and customers value. Because the “new SEO” involves many more strategies such as high-quality content, social signals and user experience (responsive design, etc.), SEO companies are charging thousands of dollars to implement an SEO strategy that takes advantage of the ranking signals Google now uses to rank sites.
Why is SEO important?
Because the cost of implementing an SEO campaign has become “out of reach” for many small to medium-sized Ecommerce establishments, stores have missed out on the benefits SEO can provide. SEO, as part of an overall marketing strategy is very effective and can bring in a lot of extra traffic. It is not the ONLY strategy you should implement, but it should be a vital component of every Ecommerce marketing campaign.
The Subscription-based Service
Because Numinix believes in empowering its clients with every tool it needs to thrive online, we are now offering SEO as part of our subscription-based services. It is the affordable way for you to get high-quality SEO service without emptying your bank account.
Numinix’s monthly subscription service is the answer to predictable, sustainable, and expanding profits without spending over budget. And our services include SEO (starting with the Professional Plan) which will position your website to rank well in the search engines to round out a successful Ecommerce marketing plan.
Take a look at Numinix’s five affordable Subscription plans and let Numinix be your one-stop shop for all your Zen Cart needs with a Subscription plan that fits almost any small business budget!