Category Archives: Conversion Rates

What e-commerce preparations should you take advantage of before the holiday season approaches?

While the holiday season may be right around the corner for consumers, e-commerce business owners are in the midst of their busiest time of year. As if regular preparations weren’t enough, online sales have taken a huge jump since the start of the coronavirus pandemic and if your website isn’t ready for an increase in…

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What are the best ways to increase user engagement on your website?

The success of an e-commerce website is best measured by its user engagement, as this actionable element earns you more leads and revenue in the future. So, whether you’re new to the world of e-commerce selling or your business needs conversion assistance, we recommend reading about how user engagement affects your website and what you…

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The cost you pay as a business when you have a bad design

Web designers often emphasize the importance of a good, user-friendly online presence, yet business owners often struggle when they attempt to understand and justify the expense of professional web design. In today’s technological era, having an eclectic design is more than a status symbol, and its usability, graphics, and content affect the bottom line of…

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Why does speed optimization play a vital role in your website’s online conversions?

The focal element of a technologically superior website rests with the speed in which it can deliver. After all, an unimpressive performance can kill business, and if the primary factor that dictates a finished sale is website speed optimization, wouldn’t it be worth learning about how this digital virtue is an essential return-on-investment (ROI)? Continue…

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