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Best UX design tools

Last Updated on Dec 12, 2023 by Nurul Afsar

In the ever-evolving world of UI and UX design, having the right tools is crucial for creating impactful user experiences. From vector-based design platforms that allow for intricate detail to advanced wireframing tools that facilitate the creation of functional prototypes, it’s clear that the right instruments can significantly speed up the design process. UI kits, specially tailored for certain niches or styles, paired with real-time collaboration features, mean team members can work together more efficiently, refining user flows and enhancing the overall UX designing process. Moreover, when you hear that Origami Studio is a free offering in this spectrum, it underscores the industry’s commitment to making these tools accessible.


Figma has swiftly established itself as a game-changer in the expansive realm of UI and UX design tools. As a web-based design platform, Figma offers a combination of flexibility and power, bringing the capabilities of vector-based design directly to your browser, irrespective of the operating system. This platform-agnostic approach means Windows, MacOS, and even Linux designers can collaborate seamlessly.

One of Figma’s standout features is its real-time collaboration. Imagine Google Docs, but for design. Multiple team members can dive into a design file simultaneously, making edits, leaving comments, or even designing side by side. This feature doesn’t just improve workflow efficiency and transforms how teams communicate, leading to more cohesive and refined design outcomes. The shared canvas becomes a dynamic space of creativity and feedback, erasing back-and-forth email chains and file sharing delays.

User flows, often a critical component of UX design, find a natural ally in Figma. The tool’s frame system and connections allow designers to lay out intricate user pathways, testing and refining the user’s journey through a digital product. Coupled with this, Figma’s robust prototyping tools empower designers to transform static frames into interactive prototypes, capturing the nuances of the intended user experience.

Furthermore, Figma acknowledges the broader ecosystem of design and development. With features dedicated to development handoff, designers can effortlessly convert their work into usable specifications for developers. Components and styles, assembled into a cohesive design system within Figma, ensure consistency and speed, reducing redundancy and maintaining a unified visual language across projects. As design challenges grow more complex, Figma stands tall as a comprehensive, collaborative, and user-centric solution.

Notable Features

  • Web-based with real-time collaboration.
  • Platform agnostic (Windows, MacOS, Linux).
  • Frame tool for multiple screen designs.
  • Vector networks for flexible shape design.
  • Component sets for consistent design elements.
  • Prototype interactions and transitions within the app.

Sketch macox app for ux design


In the nuanced world of digital design, Sketch has emerged as a prized tool, especially among those entrenched in the MacOS environment. Dedicated exclusively to Apple’s platform, Sketch brings with it the aesthetic and functional finesse that Mac users deeply resonate with. At its core, it operates as a vector-based design platform, similar to tools like Adobe XD, lending itself perfectly to the meticulous UI/UX design requirements.

However, what truly amplifies Sketch’s value proposition is its vast ecosystem of plugins and integrations. This isn’t just a result of the tool’s capabilities but also a testament to the passionate community of designers and developers that rally around it. From refining animations to enhancing accessibility checks, these plugins ensure that designers can precisely augment Sketch’s functionality to mirror their bespoke workflow. This flexibility translates into a more streamlined design process, a perfect meld of creativity and efficiency.

A notable hallmark of Sketch is its ‘Symbols’ feature. More than just a design element, Symbols act as reusable components, promoting consistency across diverse design interfaces. This enhances the visual harmony of designs and dramatically cuts down the redundancy, ensuring designers aren’t bogged down with repetitive tasks. In essence, Sketch is more than just a design toolkit; it’s a dynamic space that adapts and evolves, continually serving the ever-evolving needs of the UI/UX design community.

  • Vector-based design toolkit, exclusive for MacOS.
  • Ecosystem of plugins and integrations.
  • Symbols for reusable design components.
  • Shared Styles for consistent designs.
  • Export presets for multiple resolutions.
  • Libraries for sharing design systems.


Marvel has transcended the conventional boundaries of a mere design tool, positioning itself as a holistic platform centered around interactive prototyping. Its robust framework removes the barriers of coding, empowering designers to channel their creative visions into tangible interfaces. With Marvel, the metamorphosis from static designs to dynamic, clickable prototypes adorned with smooth transitions becomes not only possible but delightfully straightforward.

However, the brilliance of Marvel doesn’t halt at prototyping alone. The platform has keenly recognized the invaluable role of user feedback in the design lifecycle. To this end, it’s equipped with integrated user testing capabilities. Designers can now, without exiting the environment, capture real-time feedback, making iterative refinement an integrated part of the design journey rather than an afterthought.

But what truly augments Marvel’s stature in collaborative settings is its suite of team-centric features. These functionalities, ranging from shared design spaces to real-time editing and commenting, become the linchpins of team-based design projects. They foster a sense of unity, streamline communication, and ultimately, amplify the collective creative output. In essence, Marvel isn’t just a tool—it’s a comprehensive ecosystem designed for the evolving needs of contemporary UI/UX professionals.

Notable Features:

  • Turn static designs into interactive prototypes.
  • No coding required for creating transitions.
  • Integrated user testing capabilities.
  • Feedback and comment tools for collaboration.
  • Integration with design tools like Sketch and Figma.
  • User flows and design handoff features.


Proto.io stands as a beacon in the design landscape, offering an all-inclusive toolkit for wireframing, prototyping, and collaborative endeavors. Its unmatched speed sets Proto.io distinctly apart, allowing designers to swiftly transition from concept to interactive prototypes. The platform’s drag-and-drop functionality, a defining feature, removes tedious steps, making design both intuitive and efficient. Complementing this is its repository of pre-designed UI components, which acts as a treasure trove for designers, ensuring they don’t start from scratch each time.

But Proto.io’s prowess doesn’t end at design creation. Recognizing the pivotal role of feedback in design refinement, the platform has incorporated user testing mechanisms. These integrated tools empower designers to gather insights directly from end-users, ensuring their creations are visually appealing and functionally sound. Proto.io positions itself as an indispensable ally for informed, impactful design journeys by facilitating both creation and feedback within a singular environment.

Notable Features:

  • Wireframing, prototyping, and collaboration in one platform.
  • Speedy creation of interactive prototypes.
  • Drag-and-drop functionality.
  • Suite of pre-designed UI components.
  • User testing and feedback tools.
  • Integration with popular tools like Sketch and Photoshop.


Understanding user behavior and preferences is paramount in the realm of UX design. UserTesting emerges as an invaluable resource in this context. By providing real, actionable insights from actual users, it enables designers to refine and optimize their creations for the best user experience. Whether it’s a new mobile app interface, a website redesign, or even physical products, UserTesting offers feedback loops that are rapid and insightful. The platform’s ability to target specific demographics means that designers can get feedback from the very audience they’re designing for. This ensures that design decisions are data-driven, user-centered, and tailored to meet the needs of the target audience. In a discipline where user perception can make or break a product, UserTesting stands as a crucial ally for every UX designer.

Notable Features:

  • Real-time Feedback: Get insights rapidly from genuine users.
  • Demographic Targeting: Specify user groups based on factors like age, location, and more.
  • Multiple Testing Environments: Test on websites, mobile apps, prototypes, and even physical products.
  • Video Feedback: View video recordings of user sessions to understand behavior and pain points.
  • Custom Tasks and Scenarios: Guide users through specific tasks to test particular functionalities or flows.
  • Competitor Benchmarking: Understand how your designs stack up against competitors in the eyes of users.
  • Integrated Note-taking and Reporting: Capture insights and generate reports directly within the platform.

Axure RP

Axure RP transcends the traditional definitions of a design tool, positioning itself as an all-encompassing hub for modern designers. Beyond the foundational elements of creating wireframes, its repertoire extends to crafting immersive prototypes and generating detailed documentation, making it an indispensable ally in the design journey. But where Axure RP truly distinguishes itself is in its pioneering feature: the integration of conditional logic within prototypes. This capability empowers designers to simulate intricate interactions and transitions, thus breathing life into their static designs. By harnessing this feature, designers can craft high-fidelity prototypes that mirror the visual intent and encapsulate the desired functional behavior. Such depth in prototyping ensures that the stakeholders, testers, and developers experience the design in its full interactive glory, paving the way for more informed decisions and feedback. In a realm where precision and realism matter, Axure RP emerges as the tool of choice for those seeking depth in their design manifestations.

Notable Feature:

  • Wireframing: Create detailed wireframes easily, serving as a foundational design blueprint.
  • High-Fidelity Prototyping: Build interactive prototypes that closely resemble the final product, complete with intricate interactions.
  • Conditional Logic: Integrate conditions and logic into prototypes, enabling the simulation of complex user scenarios and functionalities.
  • Dynamic Content: Design with data-driven content, allowing for realistic previews of designs, such as list items or table data.
  • Adaptive Views: Craft responsive designs that adapt seamlessly across different devices and screen sizes.
  • Masters: Reuse design elements across multiple pages, ensuring consistency and streamlining the design process.
  • Team Collaboration: Collaborate in real-time with team members, with features like co-editing and shared libraries.
  • Comprehensive Documentation: Generate detailed design specifications and documentation directly from your projects.
  • Integration with User Testing: Connect with user testing platforms to gather feedback on your prototypes.
  • Widget Libraries: Access and utilize a vast array of pre-made UI elements, or create and share your custom widgets.
  • Version Control: Keep track of design changes, and revert to previous versions when needed.
  • Interactive Annotations: Embed notes and interactions within designs to guide viewers or document design decisions.


InVision stands out as a transformative prototyping tool that converts static design mockups into vibrant, interactive prototypes. The “hotspot” feature is central to this transformation, which seamlessly bridges multiple screens. This facilitates the creation of clickable prototypes, streamlining communication of design intentions to stakeholders and testers. The beauty of InVision isn’t just in its standalone capabilities but also in its harmonious integrations. It seamlessly pairs with leading design tools like Sketch and Adobe XD, fostering a holistic design environment. Additionally, the InVision DSM (Design System Manager) acts as a boon for designers, offering a centralized hub for managing and harmonizing design components. Through these features and integrations, InVision amplifies its relevance, ensuring it remains an indispensable asset in the modern design toolkit.

Notable Features:

  • Turns static screens into clickable, interactive prototypes.
  • Hotspots to link multiple screens effortlessly.
  • Integration with tools like Sketch and Adobe XD.
  • InVision DSM (Design System Manager) for design components management.
  • User testing capabilities within the platform.
  • Collaborative design with real-time feedback.


Balsamiq has carved a niche for itself in the design sphere, emphasizing the beauty of simplicity and the essence of raw ideas. Tailored for low-fidelity mockups, this tool is a haven for designers who wish to rapidly sketch and visualize concepts without the complexities of high-definition designs. Balsamiq masterfully captures the tactile experience of doodling on a whiteboard, translating it into a digital canvas where ideas flow seamlessly. Its intuitive drag-and-drop interface accelerates this process, allowing even novices to articulate their design thoughts with clarity. The tool’s primary strength lies in its ability to foster clear communication. By stripping away intricate design elements, teams can focus on the core user journey and layout, facilitating swift iterations and collaborative discussions. In a world dominated by intricate design tools, Balsamiq stands as a testament to the power of simplicity, ensuring that the genesis of every great design—its initial idea—is beautifully and effectively represented.

Notable Features:

  • Low-Fidelity Design: Emphasizes rapid sketching and visualization without the distractions of high-definition details.
  • Digital Whiteboard Experience: Simulates the feel of sketching on a physical whiteboard, fostering a natural design flow.
  • Drag-and-Drop Interface: Allows swift placement and arrangement of UI elements, making design creation intuitive.
  • Pre-built Components: A rich library of UI components and icons is offered to facilitate faster mockup creation.
  • Click-Through Prototypes: Enables linking of different screens to showcase a basic user flow.
  • Collaboration Tools: Facilitates team discussions and feedback directly within the mockup.
  • Versioning: Keeps track of design iterations, allowing users to revisit and compare different versions.
  • Export Options: Provides flexibility in exporting mockups to PNG, PDF, or interactive PDFs for presentations and reviews.
  • Customizable Templates: Allows users to save and reuse design templates for consistent wireframing.
  • Sketch Skin and Wireframe Skin: Toggle between a hand-drawn look or a cleaner digital appearance based on presentation needs.
  • Integration Capabilities: Compatible with other design and collaboration tools for a streamlined workflow.

FlowMapp UX tool for web design


FlowMapp emerges as a pivotal tool for UX professionals, assisting them in visually mapping out the user’s journey across digital landscapes. It’s not just a design aid; it’s a compass guiding the design process from ideation to realization. By enabling the creation of detailed user flows and sitemaps, FlowMapp provides a holistic view of a project, allowing designers to anticipate user needs, identify potential pitfalls, and ensure cohesive navigation. With FlowMapp, ideas are not abstract; they are tangible paths that reflect users’ anticipated movement and decisions. Such clarity is invaluable in crafting intuitive, user-centric interfaces and optimized for seamless experiences. By incorporating FlowMapp into their toolkit, UX designers possess a strategic advantage, ensuring designs that resonate with user expectations and needs.

Notable Features:

  • Visual Sitemaps: Easily create and manage sitemaps to visualize the structure of a website or application.
  • User Flows: Design and define the user journey, highlighting key touchpoints and interactions.
  • Customer Journey Maps: Visualize the user’s entire experience, from initial contact to long-term engagement.
  • Collaboration Tools: Real-time collaboration with team members, stakeholders, and clients directly within the platform.
  • Drag-and-Drop Interface: Intuitive design functionality for streamlined creation and editing.
  • Integration Capabilities: Compatible with popular design and project management tools, fostering a cohesive workflow.
  • Persona Creation: Craft detailed user personas to guide design decisions based on target audience characteristics.
  • Version Control: Keep track of iterations, allowing for easy comparison and rollback if needed.
  • File Attachments: Attach design files, documents, or images directly to your flow or sitemap elements.
  • Comments & Annotations: Provide feedback or clarify design decisions directly within the platform.

Adobe XD

Adobe XD, sculpted by the renowned Adobe Systems, is a beacon in the expansive sea of UX/UI design tools. This tool is rooted in vector-based mechanics and extends its prowess to crafting, iterating, and prototyping experiences for both web and mobile platforms. A prominent jewel in its feature crown is the ‘Repeat Grid.’ With this, designers can effortlessly multiply lists or grid items, ensuring consistency while slashing time expenditure. Another notable asset is the ‘Auto-Animate,’ infusing life into prototypes by enabling the crafting of fluid micro-interactions, making user flows palpable and realistic. The power of Adobe XD doesn’t rest solely in its standalone capabilities; its synergy with Adobe Creative Cloud tools, especially Photoshop, amplifies its potential manifold. For those who’ve danced to the rhythms of Adobe’s suite, the journey into Adobe XD feels like a homecoming, making it a natural extension of their design arsenal.

Notable Features

  • Vector-Based Design: Enables precision and flexibility in crafting elements for various screen sizes.
  • Repeat Grid: Quickly duplicate lists or grids, ensuring consistency and efficiency in design.
  • Auto-Animate: Create smooth transitions and micro-interactions to simulate real-world application behavior.
  • Adobe Creative Cloud Integration: Seamless workflow with tools like Photoshop and Illustrator.
  • Voice Prototyping: Design and prototype voice interactions for voice-enabled experiences.
  • Responsive Resize: Automatically adjust and resize designs for different device screens.
  • Collaborative Features: Real-time collaboration with stakeholders and design team members.
  • Component States: Design variations of a component for different scenarios, like hover or clicked states.
  • Interactive Prototypes: Simulate the full user experience with clickable and interactive design elements.
  • Developer Handoff: Generate shareable design specs for developers, ensuring smooth transitions from design to development.
  • Plugins & Extensions: Extend functionality with a myriad of plugins available in the Adobe XD ecosystem.


Framer is a design tool that specializes in creating interactive designs. It is both a powerful design and prototyping tool, but its unique identity is rooted in its ability to create intricate animations and high-fidelity interactions. This combination of visual design and coding makes Framer popular among designers who want to add dynamic elements to their work. With Framer, designs are static images and living creations that reflect the intended user experience. Every interaction created in Framer is a testament to the seamless integration of design and code, allowing designers to experiment and push boundaries to create aesthetically pleasing and interactively rich experiences. For those seeking to elevate their design narratives with movement and response, Framer is the perfect tool that blends artistic expression with algorithmic precision.

Notable Features:

  • Sophisticated Animations: Craft detailed animations that elevate the user experience.
  • Integrated Coding Environment: Blend visual design with code for enhanced customizability.
  • Component-Based Design: Build reusable components for consistent and efficient design.
  • Interactive Prototyping: Simulate real-world application scenarios with clickable and responsive elements.
  • Smart Components: Create responsive design elements that adapt based on user interactions.
  • Design to Code: Seamlessly transition from design to production-ready code.
  • Extensive Library: Access a range of pre-designed components and interactions to speed up the design process.
  • Collaboration Features: Work in tandem with team members and gather feedback within the platform.
  • Integration Capabilities: Sync with other design tools and platforms for a cohesive workflow.
  • Customizable Environment: Tailor the workspace to suit individual design needs and preferences.

As we navigate through the multifaceted journey of user experience, it becomes evident that tools designed for specifics, such as prototyping tools for functional prototypes and designing or design systems that ensure consistency, play a pivotal role. Collaborative features in these platforms foster synergies among team members, bridging the often challenging development handoff. A user-friendly interface and comprehensive features can flatten the learning curve, allowing designers to focus more on crafting and less on mechanics. The rich ecosystem of UI kits and the continuous enhancement of these design platforms underscore the industry’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in UX design.

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