Last Updated on Apr 22, 2015 by Luiza Libardi
Many stores focus on their homepage, not knowing that most of their traffic may be coming in at a product listing page or specific product page. To find out where your traffic is landing, check out your website’s traffic data.
If you use Google Analytics, go to Behavior > Site Content > Landing Pages to see how visitors are arriving at your website. Remember to select a date range of at least 6 months to have a broad overview.
Once you find out which pages are welcoming your visitors, think about how to make them stay on your website and complete a purchase. Ask yourself, “If people are arriving on my website through this page, will they know what my site is about? Will they be able to easily navigate to the content they are looking for? What will entice them to stay?”.
You might learn that adding a more visible search bar helps customers browse around your store more easily, or that a cross-sell section on your product page can improve your conversion rate. Either way, you’re sure to reap the benefits of putting a little extra thought into more pages than just your homepage.