Should our button be orange or green? Should my client’s testimonials show before or after the product images? Which will entice users more to make a purchase? You can answer any of these question by looking at a user’s data acquired through A/B testing.
What is A/B testing after all?
An A/B test is an experiment where you publish two different versions of a web page. Each time someone visits your website, one version is randomly selected to display. The information of what actions your visitors take after visiting that page are then compared to see how they performed.
How can A/B testing help my business?
After you have gathered information about the two different versions, you can pick the one that worked best for your business. For example, let’s say you have two different colour options for a homepage “shop now” button. They both look great on your site’s design, and you are wondering which one would be the best for your audience. You can set up an A/B testing campaign and let it run for a specific period of time. After the period is over, you can compare which of the two button colours got the most clicks and keep that colour on your homepage.
How long should an A/B test run?
The amount of time a test should run depends on the context of the website and the content being tested. If there is a significant difference between the results, then it is probably a good time to make your decision. However, you should also consider the variance in your traffic. Some websites get slightly different traffic on weekends, special holidays or times of the year. To make a solid conclusion, keep these variances in mind. For instance, running a test for one week might give you good significance, but if this week is on a holiday, your results might not apply to the traffic you would get at another point in time.
Many large online companies use A/B testing to learn what changes are effective. has a well-known success case of A/B testing. With this practice, they were able to increase their online social sharing by 3600%. If you need help increasing your user insight and turning it into increased revenue, feel free to contact us about our A/B Testing service for you ecommerce site.