Author Archives: Jenna Scaglione

About Jenna Scaglione

Jenna Scaglione is a writer, editor, and a slightly coupon crazed, healthy eating obsessed, lover of family, friends and life. Jenna has a Bachelors degree from Dowling College and a background in the chemical sciences. Following her passions, she became a writer and an internet marketer and enjoys learning, growing and discovering the newest and latest trends on the internet. Crowned "Lady Content", she lives in sunny Socal where she helps her clients around the nation increase brand awareness on the internet through content, marketing and social media.

6 Simple Tips to Supercharge Your Holiday Revenue

The phrase “Christmas in July” isn’t just a cliché; it is so-named because it is the first mention of the holiday season during the calendar year. It also represents the month when profitable Ecommerce stores start planning and preparing for the holiday season ahead. The most successful Ecommerce establishments know that early planning equates to…

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Is Your Website Ready for the Mobile Holiday Customer?

It’s that time again—time to prepare for the holiday shopping season. Too soon? Not at all. The  most successful Ecommerce holiday campaigns start in the middle of the summer. If you want to be competitive this year, start thinking about how you can get your website in “tip top” shape before the November rush begins….

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